Cutworm Moth
Pipevine Swallowtail
Halloween Pennant
The male Halloween Pennant Dragonfly
Monarch Caterpillar in J Formation
preparing to pupate
Rustic Wolf Spider
Carrying Young
Chalcidid Wasp
Male Spring Fishflies
Perilampus Hyalinus
Chalcidoid Wasp
Stick Bug
Close-up of a Stick Bug
V-marked Lady Beetle
Great Golden Digger Wasp
Melsheimer's Sack Bearer
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Red-washed Prominent Caterpillar
Sawfly Larva
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th and 4th Instar
Viceroy Butterfly
The Viceroy; mimics the look of the toxic to eat, Monarch butterfy, as its defence tactic.
Unicorn Prominent Moth
Monarch Caterpillar
Begining of Pupate
White Pine Coneborer Moth
Wavy-lined Emerald
Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee
Red Milkweed Beetles
Male Cecropia Moth
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Spicebush Swallowtail
Squash Vine Borer
Banded Garden Spider
Male Cecropia Moth
Celery Looper Moth
Close-banded Yellowhorn Moth
Orange Virbia Moth
Zebra Caterpillar Moth
Robber Fly - Holcocephala Calva
Bronze Copper
Hologram Moth
Fruit Fly - Eutreta Noveboracensis
Bee Mimic Robbe Fly
Complex Laphria Sericea
Twelve-spotted skimmer
Monarch Chrysalis
Halloween Pennant
Citrus Flatid Planthopper Nymph
American Hoverfly
Aphid - Macrosiphum Gaurae
Bald Faced Hornet
European Mantis
American Grasshopper Nymph
Unadorned Carpet Moth
Red Admiral Caterpillar
Northern Crescent Butterflies Mating
Virginia Ctenucha Moth
Eastern Calligrapher
Painted Lichen Moth
Grass-carrying Wasp
Honey Bee Hive
Cecropia Moth
Ice Dragon
I found this Common Green Darner covered in frost, and at first I was not sure if it was still alive. After a slight touch to find out it started to vibrate its wings breaking up the ice then proceeded to dry off to start its day of hunting.
Truly amazing how nature works.
Male Luna Moth
White Pine Coneborer Moth
Hickory Tussock - Juvenile Caterpillars
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
thread-legged bug
Golden Sweat Bee
Male Polyphemus Moth
Planthopper Nymph
Jagged Ambush Bug
Giant Casemaker Caddisfly
Orb Spider
Having some disco fun
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
American Snout
Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Male Luna Moth
Spined Micrathena
Red Admiral in Crab Apple Blossoms
Unknown Flea Beetle
Isabella Tiger Moth
Grass Fly - Thaumatomyia Glabr
Showy Emerald
Male Widow Skimmer
European Tube Wasp
Bronze Copper
Marsh Fly - Limnia
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
Western Honey Bee Swarm
Sclerosomatid Harvestmen
Leiobunum Ventricosum
Banded Tussock Moth
Virgin Tiger Moth
Newly Emerged Monarch Butterfly
American Lady
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Mexican Grass-carrying Wasp
Male Luna Moth
Female Common Green Darner
Dog-day Cicada
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Unicorn Prominent
Cabbage White
Spined Micrathena
Half-wing Moth Caterpillar
White Furcula Moth Caterpillar
Mexican Grass-carrying Wasp
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Mottled Tortoise Beetle
Wolf Spider with Babies
Wolf Spider carrying her babbies on her back
American Nursery Web Spider
Walnut Sphinx
Unadorned Carpet Moth
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Spittle Bug Nymph
Beggar Moth
Painted Lichen Moth
Rosy Maple Moth
Emerton's Bitubercled Cobweaver
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Giant Leopard Moth
Common Wood-Nymph
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Tuberculated Crab Spider
Female European Mantis
Waved Sphinx
Carolina Grasshopper
Male Polyphemus Moths
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 2nd Instar
Metric Paper Wasp
Conservation Status: critically imperiled (N1) in Canada
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Anotia Uhleri - Derbid Planthopper
Unicorn Prominent
Waved Sphinx
Monarch Caterpillar
Female Cecropia Moth
Thistle Tortoise Beetle Larva
Great Spangled Fritillary
Horned Spanworm
Fishing Spider
Isabella Tiger Moth - Caterpillar
Firefly in Flight
Banded Garden Spider
White Spring Moth Caterpillar
Hummingbird Clearwing
Jagged Ambush Bug
Male Luna Moth
Dogwood Sawfly Larvae
Margined Calligrapher on Prairie Rosinweed
Large Milkweed Bug
Stink Bug
Monarch Caterpillar
Eastern Forktail
Leafhopper Nymph
Two-marked Treehopper
Carolina Grasshopper Nymph
Leaf-footed Bug - Nymph - Acanthocephala Terminalis
Stink Bug - Banasa Calva
Bald-faced Hornet
On an oak gall
Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee
Bronze Copper Butterflies
Female Blue Dasher
Bronze Copper
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Male Cecropia Moth
Male Polyphemus Moth
Cluster of Monarch Butterflies
Fall Migration 2019
Shadow Darner
Black Firefly
Green Leuconycta Moth
Spotted Apatelodes Moths
Male and two females
Giant Leopard Moth
Red-crossed Button Slug Moth
Clavate Tortoise Beetle
American Nursery Web Spider
Horned Spanworm Moth Caterpillar
Blue Dasher on a Waterlily
Pistachio Emerald
Male Frosted Whiteface
Zebra Caterpillar Moth
Thread-legged Bug
Red Spotted Purple
Monarch Butterfly
Common Green Darner
Warming up and drying off, after being covered with frost.
Jumping Spider
Shield-backed Katydid
Polyphemus Moth
Male Luna Moth
Grape Plume Moth
Fraternal Potter Wasp
Catching food for its nest
Green Coneheaded Planthopper
Monarch Butterfly
Cross Orb Spider
Orb spider in its web
Green Pug
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Molting into 4th Instar
Cecropia Moth - 5th Instar Caterpillar
Oak Leafshredder Moth
Eastern Sycamore Lace Bug
Big Poplar Sphinx Moth
Mating Sphinx Moths
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Rose Hooktip
Telamona Monticola
Oblong-winged Katydid
Male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
The beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly drinking nectar from wild phlox flowers.
Spotted Pink Ladybeetle
Male Luna Moth
Widow Yellowjacket
European Paper Wasp
Bi-colored Striped Sweat Bee
Robber Flies Mating
Machimus Notatus
Splendid Dwarf Spider
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 4th Instar
Green Leuconycta Moth
Zebra Caterpillar Moth
Female Blue Dasher
Polyphemus Moth
Dart Moth Caterpillar
Monarch Butterfly
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Takeoff
Small-eyed Sphinx
Common checkered-skipper
Cabbage White
Blinded Sphinx
Thistle Tortoise Beetle Larva
Squash Vine Borer
Grease Moth
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
European Praying Mantis - Mating
Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Male Luna Moth
Male Cecropia Moth
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th and 4th Instar
Non-biting Midge
Bi-colored Striped Sweat Bee
Cecropia Moths Mating
Monarch Butterfly
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Checkered Beetle and Assasin Bug
Enoclerus Rosmarus
Hypenine Snout Moth
Deer Fly - Chrysops Vittatus
Oak Leafshredder Moth
Blue Dasher on a Waterlily
Marsh Fly - Trypetoptera Canadensis
Tiger Fly
Red Admiral Caterpillar
Fresh Shed
Monarch Butterfly
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Fresh Molt 5th Instar
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Black Swallowtail
White Spring Moth Caterpillar
Fall Webworm Moth - Caterpillar
Large Maple Spanworm Moth
Male Chinese Mantis
American Nursery Web Spider
Shield Bug
Wasp Nest
Deer Fly - Chrysops Vittatus
White-lip Globe Snail
Monarch Caterpillar
Planthopper Nymph
Bronze Copper
Bad-wing Moth
Agreeable Tiger Moth Caterpillar
Male Ruby Meadowhawk
Eastern Calligrapher
Female Band-winged Meadowhawk
European Tube Wasp
Goldenrod Leaf Beetle Larva
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Male Chinese Mantis
Squash Vine Borer
Amber Snail
Eastern Giant Swallowtail
Saltmarsh Greenhead Flies - Horse Fly
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Tomato Horn Worm
Leafhopper Nymph
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Six-spotted Fishing Spider
Common Green Darner
Emerging from Nymph Stage
Male Luna Moth
Flesh Fly
Male Polyphemus and Luna Moths
Nessus Sphinx
Hummingbird Moth
White-fringed Emerald
Northern Walkingstick
Male Eastern Pondhawk
Greater Anglewing Nymph
Deer Fly - Chrysops Vittatus
Monarch Caterpillar
Small-eyed Sphinx
Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth
Oblique Heterocampa Moth
Red Admiral Chrysalis
Monarch Butterfly
long-horned Beetle - Stenocorus Schaumii
Red-lined Panopoda Moth
Common Green Darner Emerging
Great Golden Digger Wasp
Nessus Sphinx
Hummingbird Moth
Female Halloween Pennant
White-striped Black
Red Admiral in Crab Apple Blossoms
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Bronze Copper
Barred Umber
Hummingbird Clearwing
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
Western Honey Bee on Jewelweed
Featherlegged Orbweaver
Tuberculated Crab Spider
Dragonfly Birth
A dragonfly just finished emerging from its nymph stage
Northern Flatid Planthopper
Giant Swallowtail
Red Spotted Purple
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Darling Underwing
Midland Clubtail
Robber Fly - Holcocephala Calva
Eating Mosquito
Featherlegged Orbweaver
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Complex Laphria Sericea
Bee-mimic Robber Fly
Black Saddlebags - Tandem Flight
Male Fishfly
Red-washed Prominent
Swift Feather-legged Fly
Common Eastern Bumble Bee
Horaces Duskywing
Basswood Leaf Miner
Male Polyphemus Moth
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
Cabbage White
Common Eastern Physocephala
Squash Vine Borer
Northern Flatid Planthopper
Cecropia Moth Caterpillars - 3rd Instar
Asian Lady Beetle
Leaf Bug
Morning-glory Prominent Caterpillar
Plant Bug
Margined Calligrapher on Prairie Rosinweed
Pistachio Emerald
Japanese Leafhopper
Female Ruby Meadowhawk
Goldenrod Soldier Beetle
Wolf Spider
Painted Lady Caterpillar
White-dotted Prominent
Male Cecropia Moth
Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillars Hatching
Two-striped Grasshopper
Ctenucha Virginica Caterpillar
Squash Vine Borer
Honey Bee
Tree Cricket
Ladybug Larva
Hatching from their eggs
Monarch Chrysalis
Soft casing, just after turning into a chrysalis
Stonefly - Isoperla
Male Luna Moth
Rustic Wolf Spider
Carrying Young
Beautiful Eutelia Moth
Male Luna and Cecropia Moths
Red Admiral in Crab Apple Blossoms
Hummingbird Clearwing
Monarch Butterflies
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
Stonefly - Isoperla
Polyphemus Moth
Arabesque Orbweaver
Male Luna Moth
Cecropia Moth
Common Green Darner
Monarch Caterpillar
Crab Spider
Yellow crab spider on Indian Paintbrush flower
Large Mossy Glyph
Leaf-footed Bug Nymph
Acanthocephala Terminalis
Eastern Giant Swallowtail
Midland Clubtail
Canada Thistle Bud Weevil
Leaf-footed Bug
Northern Broken-Dash
Oak Beauty
Two-spotted Tree Cricket Nymph
Walnut Sphinx
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 4th Instar
Square-headed Wasp
Ectemnius Maculosus
Clouded Sulphur
Dexiini Fly
Banded Garden Spider
Male Cecropia Moth
Leconte's Haploa Moth
Male Pipevine Swallowtail
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
Hickory Tussock Moth
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Agreeable Tiger Moth Caterpillar
Red Admiral Caterpillar
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Saddled Prominent
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
European Earwig
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 2nd Instar
Female Halloween Pennant
German Yellowjacket
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Spider Web
Citrus Flatid Planthopper
Young Adult
Friendly Probole Moth
Common Green Lacewing
Partridge Bug
Small Bird-dropping Moth
Copper Underwing Caterpillar
Male Polyphemus Moth
Dimorphic Tosale Moth
Honey Bee Hive
Milkweed Tussock Moth - Caterpillar
White Furcula Moth Caterpillar
Spider Web
Leconte's Haploa Moth
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Oblique Streaktail
Green Leuconycta Moth
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
Emerton's Bitubercled Cobweaver
Rose Hooktip
Cloaked Marvel
Cecropia Caterpillar - Molting into 5th Instar
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Painted Lady
Snowberry Clearwing
Snowberry Clearwing Hummingbird Moth
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Takeoff
Asian Lady Beetle
Darling Underwing
Unknown Caterpillar
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Female Ruby Meadowhawk
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
American Nursery Web Spider
Pearl Crescents
Female Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Leaf Footed Bug Nymphs
Stick Bug
Just hanging around
Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Green Leuconycta Moth
Fraternal Potter Wasp
Catching food for its nest
Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillars
Great Golden Digger Wasp
Planthopper - Cedusa
Changeable Grass-Veneer
Big Poplar Sphinx Moth
close-up of the poplar sphinx moth
Male Polyphemus Moth
Brown-lipped Snail
Dimorphic Jumping Spider
Damsel Bug
Cecropia Caterpillar - Creating Cocoon
Carolina Grasshopper Nymph
Sweat Bee - Genus Lasioglossum
Buffalo Treehopper
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Polished Lady Beetle
European Praying Mantis - Mating
Lupine Bug
Thistle Tortoise Beetle Larva
Male Blue Dasher
Long-legged Fly
Click Beetle
Small Phoenix
Female Halloween Pennant
American Nursery Web Spider
Pistachio Emerald
Northern Walkingstick
Northern Broken-Dash
Common Ragweed Fruit Fly
Sawfly Larva
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Green Cone-headed Planthopper Nymphs
Milkweed Tussock Moth - Caterpillars
Chalk Fronted Corporal
Western Honey Bee Swarm
Pearly Wood-Nymph Caterpillar
Western Honey Bee Swarm
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Snowberry Clearwing
Northern Flatid Planthopper
Virginian Tiger Moth Caterpillar
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
Asian Lady Beetle
With Laboulbeniales Fungus
European Mantis
Male Luna Moth
Northern Crescent
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle
18 Spotted Asian Lady Beetle
Vestal Tiger Moth
Eastern Pond Hawk
Rosy Maple and Hickory Tussock Moth
Female Juvenal's Duskywing
Orange Sulphur
Eastern Calligrapher
Spider Web
Saltmarsh Greenhead Flies - Horse Fly
Fishing Spider
Baltimore Checkerspot Caterpillar
The Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton) is a North American butterfly of the family, Nymphalidae. It is the official state insect of the U.S. State of Maryland since 1973.
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Emerton's Bitubercled Cobweaver
Walnut Sphinx
White Pine Coneborer Moth
Ithaca Clearwing Moth
Carmenta Ithacae
Squash Vine Borer
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Newly Emerged Monarch Butterfly
Sawfly Larvae
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
first instar Cecropia Caterpillars
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Oblong-winged Katydid
Big Poplar Sphinx Moths
Red 18 spotted Asian Lady Beetle
Reddish Eucosma Moth
European Paper Wasp
Monarch Chrysalis
Hardened Casing
Male Cecropia Moth
Female Ruby Meadowhawk
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Cecropia Caterpillar - Fresh Molt 4th Instar
Green Sweat Bee
Oblique Streaktail
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Elm Leaf Beetles
Fishing Spider
Male Luna Moth
Female Cecropia Moth
American Snout
Walnut Sphinx Moth Caterpillar
Isabella Tiger Moth Eggs
Dot-tailed Whiteface
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 4th Instar Preparing to Molt
Snowberry Clearwing
Leaf Footed Bug Nymph
Melsheimer's Sack Bearer
Arrow-shaped Micrathena
Blinded Sphinx Moth
Painted Lady
Male Cecropia Moth
Green Lacewing - Chrysopa Oculata
Male Luna & Cecropia Moths
Squash Vine Borer
Male Polyphemus Moth
Darling Underwing
Margined Calligrapher on Prairie Rosinweed
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Short-horned Grasshopper
Small Phoenix
Green Cone-headed Planthopper
Orb-weaver Spider
Orange Mint Moth
Monarch Butterfly About to Emerge
Fishing Spider
Monarch Caterpillar
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Early 5th Instar
Banded Longhorn Beetle
Single-dotted Wave Moth
Great Spangled Fritillary
Red Admiral
Clymene Moth
Waved Sphinx
Golden Sweat Bee
Banded Tussok Moth
Brilliant Jumping Spider
Shadow Darner
Male Luna Moth
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 2nd Instar
Margined Calligrapher
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
Monarch Butterfly and Chrysalis
May Fly
Male Widow Skimmer
Orchard Orbweaver
Female Orange Sulphur
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 1st Instar
Walnut Caterpillar Moth
Thistle Tortoise Beetle
Drumming Sword Wolf Spider
Monarch Caterpillar
J Formation - Preperation to Pupate
Milkweed Tussock Moth - Caterpillars
Cecropia Moths Mating
Pale Beauty & Hemlock Angle
Summer Azure
Male & Female Cecropia Moth
Anotia Uhleri - Derbid Planthopper
Male Cecropia Moth
Male Luna Moth
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Pennsylvania Ambush Bug
Oblique Streaktail
Immature European Praying Mantis
Fire Colored Beetle
Large Yellow Underwing Moth
Freshly Emerged Male Cecropia Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Male amd Female Cecropia Moths
Western Honey Bee Swarm
Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth and Mayfly
Western Honey Bee
Bold-feathered Grass Moth
Japanese Beetle
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Honey Bee on Butterfly Weed
Male Blue Dasher
Western Honey Bee
Chalcidid Wasp
Common Buckeye
Freshly Emerged Male Cecropia Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Virginia Creeper Treehopper
Brown-lipped Snail
Male Luna Moth
Black Swallowtail
Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Cluster of Monarch Butterflies
Fall Migration 2019
Red-striped Gray Millipede's
Ontario's largest millipede (Narceus americanus)
Snowberry Clearwing
Squash Vine Borer
Male Polyphemus Moth
Hickory Tussock - Juvenile Caterpillars
White Furcula Moth Caterpillar
Ashen Pinion Caterpillar
Male Luna Moth
Jumping Spider
American Nursery Web Spider
Green Stink Bug Nymph
Spicebush Swallowtail
Little White Lichen Moth
Bronze Copper
Male Luna Moth
Clymene Moth
Grove Snail
Great Black Digger Wasp
Dragonfly Emerging from Nymph Stage
Thread-legged Bug
Margined Calligraphe
Crab Spider
Yellow crab spider on Indian Paintbrush flower
Red Admiral Chrysalis
Greenhouse Millipede
Male Luna & Cecropia Moths
Male Calico Pennant
Ladybug Larva
Hatching from their eggs
Eastern Band-winged Hover Fly
Waved Sphinx
Orchard Orbweaver
Chrysanthemum Lace Bug
Copper Underwing Caterpillar
Eastern Calligrapher
Spined Micrathena
Buffalo Treehopper
Clouded Sulphur
Monarch Pupating
Series from start to finish
Monarch Butterfly About to Emerge
Virginian Tiger Moth Caterpillar
Red Admiral in Crab Apple Blossoms
Copper Underwing Caterpillar
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar Fresh Molt
American Pelecinid - Pelecinus Polyturator
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Red Flat Bark Beetle
Male Bronze Copper
Male amd Female Cecropia Moths
Red Admiral Chrysalis