Male Indigo Bunting
Barn Swallow
Immature Golden Eagle
Immature Reddish Egret
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Freshly Emerged Male Cecropia Moth
Leucistic Female Mallard
Male Indigo Bunting
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Male Cape May Warbler
Immature Red-headed Woodpecker
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Female in Flight
Red Fox Kit
Male Wilsons Warbler
Gray Tree Frog
Female Greater Scaup
Common Redpoll
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Philadelphia Vireo
Inglis Falls
Bald Eagle Nest with Young
Trumpeter Swan
Male Northern Flicker
Inglis Falls
Great Egret
Tufted Titmouse
Male Cape May Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler Fledgling
Upland Sandpiper
Pickerel Frog
The Coves
Freshly Emerged Male Cecropia Moth
Autumn Lake
American Coot
Eastern Screech Owl - Juvenile
Female Northern Pintail
Robber Fly - Holcocephala Calva
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Great Kiskadee
Blue-spotted Salamander
Red-eyed Vireo
Male Chestnut-sided Warbler
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 5th Instar
White Squirrel
Male American Widgeon
Red-necked Grebe
American Mink
Darling Underwing
Spring Peeper
Immature Golden Eagle
Female Belted Kingfisher
Female American Black Duck
Cackling Geese
Male Orchard Oriole
Queen Snake
Ring-necked Snake
American Robin Nest
Bald Eagle
Male American Kestrel
Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee
Great Kiskadee
Great Horned Owlet
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Merlins Mating
Red Fox Kit
Male Fishfly
Male Hooded Warbler with Food
Male Green-winged Teal
Surprised Buck
White-tailed stag
Male Scarlet Tanager
Great Horned Owlet
Tree Swallow
Immature Calliope Hummingbird
Blue-winged Warbler Fledgling
Juvenile Osprey Flight Practice
Eastern Milk Snake
Female Pileated Woodpecker
Least Bittern
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Blandings Turtle
White-breasted Nuthatch
Male Yellow Warbler with Nesting Material
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Female Green-winged Teal
Great Horned Owlet
Male House Sparrow
Embden Goose
Immature Redheaded Woodpecker
Melanistic Eastern Garter Snake
Northern Flickers
Inglis Falls
Waterfall in Owen Sound Ontario
Blue-winged Warbler Fledgling
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Western Honey Bee Swarm
Male Hooded Merganser
Red Fox Kits
Sifton Bog - Redmonds Pond
Beautiful golden tamarack reflecting on redmonds pond in Sifton Bog, London Ontario
Peregrine Falcon
Young Buck
A young White-tailed Deer sticking out its tongue.
Male Harlequin Duck
Pond Reflections
Mourning Dove Fledglings
White-tailed Deer
8 Point Buck
Male Northern Pintail
Midland Clubtail
Male Northern Cardinal
Wood Frog
American Mink
Black-capped Chickadee
Mute Swan
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
Red-headed Woodpecker
Black Squirrel with Blonde Tail
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Luna Moth
Male Common Five-lined Skink
The Common Five-lined Skink is Ontarios only lizard and is also endangered. The Carolinian populations are at even greater risk with only a few isolated sites.
Walnut Sphinx Moth Caterpillar
Osprey Nest
Adult arriving with food
Red Admiral Caterpillar
Autumn Pond
Orange-crowned Warbler
In Pink Blossoms
Male Eastern Bluebird
Painted Lady
Sydenham River
The Sydenham River at Inglis Falls Conservation Area in Owen Sound Ontario.
Red Morph Screech Owl
Male and Female Long-tailed Duck
Winter Wren Singing
Virginia Rail
Great Egret
Male Luna Moth
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Short-eared Owls
Milkweed Tussock Moth - Caterpillars
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
Female Hoary Redpoll
Female Bufflehead
Queen Snake
Eastern Screech Owl
Female Gadwall
Common Redpoll
Rufous Hummingbird
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Trumpeter Swan
Common Gallinule
Bald Eagle
Male Indigo Bunting
Anotia Uhleri - Derbid Planthopper
Ruffed Grouse
Great Black-backed Gull
Snow Bunting
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 1st Instar
Yellow Warbler Nest
Female Pine Grosbeak
Male Cerulean Warbler
Coopers Hawk
Autumn Pond
Cayuga Duck
Ithaca Clearwing Moth
Carmenta Ithacae
Male Wilsons Warbler
Male Indigo Bunting
American Pipit
Tropical Kingbird
Female American Kestrel
Red-necked Grebe Pair
American Mink
Tawny Emperor Caterpillar
American Goldfinch
Female Hoary Redpoll
Black-necked Stilt
Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Southern Flying Squirrel
Male Cerulean Warbler
Northern Map Turtles
Male Luna Moth
Eastern Ribbonsnake
Red-necked Grebe
Coopers Hawk
Male Northern Harrier
Painted Lichen Moth
Male Redhead
Canada Goose Family
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Immature Black-crowned Night Heron
Canada Warbler
Common Loon
Young Opposum
Evening Grosbeak
Green Heron
Red Fox Kit
Male & Female Cecropia Moth
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Great Horned Owlet
Virginia Opossum in a Pine Tree
Eastern Ribbonsnake
Eastern Screech Owl
Male American Goldfinch
Female WIld Turkey
Northern Flatid Planthopper
Great Blue Heron Fishing
A Great Blue Heron hunting for Fish and Crayfish in the Coves, London Ontario.
Male Magnolia Warbler
Green Heron
Female Eastern Garter Snake
Immature Red-headed Woodpecker
Common Gallinule
Red Squirrel
Nessus Sphinx
Hummingbird Moth
Brown Creeper
Grey Tree Frog
Splendid Dwarf Spider
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
Great Egret - Flipping its Catch
Reddish Egret
Immature Eastern Screech Owl
Baird's Sandpiper
Orchard Orbweaver
Baird's Sandpiper
Canada Jay
National bird of Canada. Also known as Gray Jay or Whisky Jack
Wood Frogs
White-tailed Deer
8 Point Buck
Wolf Spider
Male Indigo Bunting
Ruddy Turnstone
Black-throated Green Warbler
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Hooded Warbler
Male American Redstart
Great Horned Owl Nest
Owlet in the nest
North American Beaver
Great Horned Owl
Cattle Egret
Harlequin Duck and Canada Goose
Male Common Goldeneye
Red-necked Grebes
Tropical Kingbird
Cecropia Caterpillar - Fresh Molt 4th Instar
Eastern Screech Owl - Juvenile
Immature Red-shouldered Hawk
Canada Goose Gosling
Horned Grebe
Male American Kestrel
Autumn Pond
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th and 4th Instar
Male Northern Cardinal
Sydenham River Cascade
Least Flycatcher
Osprey Catching Fish
Great Blue Heron
Male Pine Warbler
Eastern Whip-poor-will
American Mink
American Coots
Great Egret - Flipping its Catch
Blue-headed Vireo
Nashville Warbler
Coopers Hawk
Male Harlequin Duck
Northern Flatid Planthopper
Monarch Caterpillar
Chinese Goose
Immature Eastern Fox Snake
Monarch Butterfly About to Emerge
Eastern Cottontail
Great Horned Owlets
Watching a visiting nuthatch
Female Bay-breasted Warbler
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Polyphemus Moth
Female Tennessee Warbler
Canada Geese
Male Blackburnian Warbler
Immature Eastern Fox Snake - Defensive Pose
Eastern Screech Owl
Chestnut Morph
Green Heron
Female Hooded Merganser
Female Eastern Garter Snake
Male Indigo Bunting with Food
Great Horned Owlet
Great Horned Owlets
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Male Gadwall
Northern Watersnake
Sandhill Cranes
Upland Sandpiper
Male Indigo Bunting
Male Pileated Woodpecker
Wood Ducklings
Male Indigo Bunting
Beautiful blue male Indigo Bunting around purple phlox flowers at Komoka Provincial Park in Ontario.
Male Harlequin Duck
Striped Skunk
Monarch Pupating
Series from start to finish
Common Grackle
Reddish Egret
Blandings Turtle
Rosy Maple and Hickory Tussock Moth
Trumpeter Swan
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Fresh Molt 5th Instar
Male Pine Warbler
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Northern Hawk Owl
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
Immature Eastern Milk Snake
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Canada Goose Gosling
Great-horned Owlets
American Woodcock
Grasshopper Sparrow
Black and White Warbler
Canada Goose Gosling
Showy Emerald
Male Tennessee Warbler
Red Fox Kit Running
A slower shutter panning shot of a Red Fox kit running
Eastern Screech Owl
Immature Snowy Owl in Flight
Male Luna and Cecropia Moths
Male Snowy Owl in Flight
Cayuga Duck
Harlequin Duck Flapping
Rosy Maple Moth
Yellow Spotted Salamander
Common Redpoll
Male Prairie Warbler
Short-eared Owl
Northern Flickers
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Eastern Kingbird
Robber Flies Mating
Machimus Notatus
Immature Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Tropical Kingbird
Immature Peregrine Falcon
Osprey with Fish
Horned Grebe
Breeding Plumage
Eastern Screech Owl
Eastern Milk Snake
American Robin Fledgling
Male Luna Moth
American White Pelicans
Black-crowned Night Heron
Wild Turkey
Male displaying
Pregnant Dekays Brown Snake
Male Snowy Owl
Eating a vole
Bi-colored Striped Sweat Bee
Immature Black-crowned Night Heron
Northern Shrike
Great Blue Heron
Leaf Bug
Female Indigo Bunting Feeding Young
Turkey Vulture Portrait
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Food Fight
Herring Gulls fighting over a fish
Bald Eagle
Green Sweat Bee
Blue Dasher on a Waterlily
Female Eastern Garter Snake
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Indigo Bunting
Northern Shrike
Male Wood Duck
Striped Skunk
Bald Eagle
4th Year Immature
Male Cerulean Warbler
Male Harlequin Duck
Female Eastern Garter Snake
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Snowy Hackberry
Male Northern Shoveler
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
Female House Sparrow
Rufous Hummingbird
Blue-winged Warbler
Common Gallinule
With young
Glossy Ibis
Cecropia Caterpillar - Molting into 5th Instar
Male amd Female Cecropia Moths
American Mink
Nessus Sphinx
Hummingbird Moth
Hermit Thrush
Wood Duck
Male Wood Duck in Flight
American Golden-Plover
Red Fox Kit
Wood Duckling
A Wood Duckling resting in the woods.
Ruddy Duck
Male Ruddy Duck on Komoka Pond
Cattle Egret
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
10 Point Buck
White-tailed Deer - 10 Point Buck
Bullfrogs Mating
Clouded Sulphur
White-tailed Deer
Eastern Screech Owlet
Northern Short-Tailed Shrew
A Northern Short-Tailed Shrew eating a small insect in Sifton Bog, London Ontario.
Mourning Dove Fledgling
Thread-legged Bug
American White Pelicans
Female Mallard
Female Hooded Merganser
Female Belted Kingfisher
Green Heron with Catch
Log Cabin
Ruddy Duck
Female Ruddy Duck on Komoka Pond
Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Prothonotary Warbler in Nest
Autumn Pond
Deer Fly - Chrysops Vittatus
Long-tailed Duck
Eastern Screech Owl
Pileated Woodpecker Nest
Adult male arriving to feed its young
Fawns Interacting
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Common Loon
Bronze Copper
Horned Spanworm Moth Caterpillar
Southern Flying Squirrel
Coopers Hawk
Bald Eagle in Flight
Bald Eagle Nest with Young
Common Five-lined Skink
Eastern Screech Owl
White Squirrel
Spring Peeper
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th and 4th Instar
Lake Erie
Waves crashing into the rockface along Lake Erie
Wood Thrush
Yellow-spotted Salamander
Upland Sandpiper
American White Pelicans
Red-tailed Hawk Nest
Male Cecropia Moth
Immature Iceland Gull
Immature Hooded Merganser
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Male Wood Duck
Swift Feather-legged Fly
Common Green Darner Emerging
Immature Eastern Screech Owl
Female Snowy Owl
Male Polyphemus Moth
Lake Huron
Northern Parula
Northern Flickers
Red Fox Kit
Male Luna Moth
Female American Kestrel
Gray Cheeked Thrush
Eastern Hognose Snake
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Takeoff
Great Blue Heron
Yellow-throated Warbler
Northern Hawk Owl
Male Common Five-lined Skink
Male Indigo Bunting
Barn Swallow Fledlings
Male Scarlet Tanager
Muskrats Fighting
Great Egret Nest
Female Eastern Bluebird with Nesting Material
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Male Bufflehead
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Luna Moth
Tropical Kingbird
Young Common Snapping Turtle
Male Bay-breasted Warbler
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 4th Instar Preparing to Molt
Immature Male Baltimore Oriole
Warbling Vireo Singing
Autumn River
Red-throated Loon
Male Cape May Warbler
Eastern Chipmunk with Nesting Material
Canada Jay
National bird of Canada. Also known as Gray Jay or Whisky Jack
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Immature Common Five-lined Skink
The Common Five-lined Skink is Ontarios only lizard and is also endangered. The Carolinian populations are at even greater risk with only a few isolated sites.
Sandhill Cranes
Great Horned Owlets
Fox Squirrel
Pileated Woodpecker
Spined Micrathena
Tufted Titmouse
Male Magnolia Warbler
Mourning Dove Fledgling
Common Green Darner
Male Bufflehead
Male Blackburnian Warbler
Sandhill Cranes
Male Indigo Bunting
Short-billed Dowitcher
Crab Spider
Yellow crab spider on Indian Paintbrush flower
Immature Common Loon
Cecropia Moth - 5th Instar Caterpillar
Eastern Screach Owl - Red Morph
Male Bufflehead
Male Long-tailed Duck
American Mink
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Female Red-breasted Merganser
White Squirrel Eating Black Walnut
American Mink
Male Great-horned Owl
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Massasauga Rattlesnake
Male Baltimore Oriole
Male Harlequin Duck
Squash Vine Borer
River Otters
Male Luna & Cecropia Moths
Male Snowy Owl
Common Nighthawk
Long-tailed Duck
Immature Male Wood Duck
Eastern Foxsnake
Female Summer Tanager
Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Inglis Falls
Virginia Opossum
Spring Peeper Calling
Lake Erie - Sun Rays
Chipping Sparrow
Female Red-breasted Nuthatch
Male Blackburnian Warbler
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Horned Lark
Taking Flight
Red-tailed Hawk Nest
Female Mountain Bluebird
Grey Tree Frog
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker
Juvenile Gray Tree Frog
Glossy Ibis
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
River Otters
Queen Snake
Blue-winged Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Female Ruby Meadowhawk
Female Northern Pintail
Male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
The beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly drinking nectar from wild phlox flowers.
Female Blackburnian Warbler
Monarch Butterfly
Female Great Horned Owl in Flight
Squash Vine Borer
Autumn Reflections
Ross's Goose
Swimming on the Thames
Black Tern in Flight
American Golden-Plovers
American White Pelican
Least Flycatcher
Great Blue Heron Eating Large Fish
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Pileated Woodpecker Nest
Female Great Horned Owl
Female Mountain Bluebird
Blandings Turtle
American Avocet
American Toad
Sandhill Cranes
Cackling Goose
Eastern Bluebird
Juveniles in the nest
Lincoln Sparrow
Eastern Milk Snake
Shadow Darner
Bald Eagle
Cecropia Moths Mating
Great Egret
Leopard Frog on Aster Flower
Female Hooded Merganser
Dog-day Cicada
Great Horned Owl
Momma defending the nest
Female Hooded Warbler with Food
Great Egret
American Mink
Muskrat in Autumn Reflections
Eastern Screech Owlet Close-up
Western Honey Bee
River Otters
Gray Tree Frog Calling
Rock Dove
Male Baltimore Oriole
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue Jay in Blossoms
Red Admiral Chrysalis
Brilliant Jumping Spider
American Tree Sparrow
Common Raven
Blue-winged Warbler
American Bullfrogs
Mating & Calling
Inglis Falls
Male Greater Scaup
Black Tern Juveniles
Red-tailed Hawk
Close-up of a Red-tailed Hawk scratching
Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtles
Large Females
Least Bittern
Green Heron
Blue Dasher on a Waterlily
Male Cape May Warbler
Red-throated Loon
American White Pelican
Nelsons Sparrow
Female Snowy Owl
Female Orange Sulphur
Wild Turkey
Hen Portrait
Blandings Turtle
Red Squirrel
Female Gadwall
Male Bufflehead
Male Prairie Warbler
Great Horned Owlet
Male Indigo Bunting
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Striped Skunk
Pine Marten
Southern Flying Squirrel
Immature Golden Eagle
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Luna Moth
Enjoying the warm sun on a winter day
Male Indigo Bunting
Great Horned Owl Nest
Female sitting outside its nest
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Northern Watersnake
Red-throated Loon
Female Belted Kingfisher
Yellow Warbler
Male Yellow Warbler hiding in the bushes
Immature Eastern Milk Snake
American Coots
American Bittern
A Male American Bittern doing its display and calling
Warbling Vireo
Bald Eagle
Southern Flying Squirrel
Eating dryad saddle mushroom
Great Horned Owls
Momma arriving to the nest
Male Cerulean Warbler
Squash Vine Borer
Leucistic American Robin
American White Pelican
Male Magnolia Warbler
Female Belted Kingfisher
Spring Peeper
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 4th Instar
Immature Calliope Hummingbird
Common Loon
Algonquin Provincial Park
Male Black-throated Blue Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Gray Tree Frog
Immature Gray Tree Frog with beautiful green colors blending into its surroundings
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Molting into 4th Instar
Eastern Newt Red Eft
Southern Flying Squirrels
Black-crowned Night Heron - Nest
Sandhill Cranes
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Fighting
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Southern Flying Squirrel
Smooth Green Snake
Blue-winged Warbler
Feeding its Young
Smooth Green Snake
Tufted Titmouse
Female Cecropia Moth
Male Indigo Bunting
Carolina Wren
Mute Swan
A Mute Swan chasing a Canada Goose away from its nest
Darling Underwing
Spring Peeper
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Southern Flying Squirrel
Eating dryad saddle mushroom
Red-tailed Hawk
A curious Red-tailed Hawk checking out who is directly below.
River Otters
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Female Great Horned Owl in Flight
House Wren
American Bittern
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Eastern Cottontail
Immature Male King Eider
Blue-spotted Salamander on Autumn Leaves
Male Cerulean Warbler
Male Summer Tanager
Male Varied Thrush
Wooper Swan
Immature Indigo Bunting
Ruffed Grouse
Virginia Rail
Planthopper Nymph
Anotia Uhleri - Derbid Planthopper
Black and White Warbler
Monarch Butterfly
Red-headed Woodpecker
Eastern Screech Owl
Chestnut Morph
Autumn Bluffs
An autumn view at Cabot Head, Ontario Canada
Bald Eagle and Herring Gull
White-fringed Emerald
American Robin Nest with Young
Male Common Merganser
Sifton Bog
Frosty fall morning
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-bellied Plover
Immature Male Greater Scaup
Wood Ducks
Male and Female
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Mute Swan with Cygnets
Female Northern Pintail
Female Cerulean Warbler
Immature Iceland Gull
Wood Ducks
Immature Males
Blandings Turtle
Immature Golden Eagle
Blue-winged Warbler
Coopers Hawk
Female Halloween Pennant
Eastern Meadowlark
Gray Tree Frog
Mute Swan
A Mute Swan chasing a Canada Goose away from its nest
Blue Jay
Male Cape May Warbler
Cattle Egret
Groundhog Feeding Young
Rusty Blackbird
Spring Peeper
Cecropia Moth
Male Polyphemus Moth
Male Harlequin Duck
Barn Swallow
Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Canada Goose Goslings in the Nest
Newborn Canada Geese Goslings. The one in front and center was born that morning, the others the day before. They hit the water for the first time and left within a few hours after this photo.
Eastern Meadowlark
Common Redpoll
Autumn Pond
Green Heron
Female Common Merganser
Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillars Hatching
Woolybear Caterpillars
Male Greater Scaup
Green Heron
Male Snowy Owl in Flight
Mute Swan Family
Two Cygnets preening with thier parents
Clavate Tortoise Beetle
Great Horned Owl Nest
Mother with Owlets
Male Snowy Owl
Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Southern Flying Squirrel
Spined Micrathena
Eastern Meadowlark
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Takeoff
Red Spotted Purple
Tennessee Warbler
Reddish Egret
Canada Goose
Female Eastern Bluebird with Nesting Material
Great Egret
Male Luna & Cecropia Moths
Female Greater Scaup
Female Summer Tanager
Black-crowned Night Heron Waving its Plumes
Eastern Kingbird
Canada Goose Goslings
Sandhill Cranes Taking off
Redheaded Duck
Tufted Titmouse
Male Redhead
Male Varied Thrush
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Northern Shoveler
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
White-tailed Deer - Bucks Fighting
A mature and younger buck practice fighting
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Summer Azure
Red-throated Loon
Northern Waterthrush
Autumn Train Tracks
Immature Black-crowned Night Heron
Northern Walkingstick
Wild Turkey
In Mustard Field
Punk Wood Duckling
Spicebush Swallowtail
Stag Fight
The challenge is on, two 8 point bucks fighting for dominance during the rutting. This battle got rather fierce with head on charges and tossing each other around.
Copper Underwing Caterpillar
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Lincoln's Sparrow
Female Greater Scaup
Pine Marten
Female Northern Pintail
Black Tern in Flight
Male Eastern Bluebird
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Eastern Newt Eft
Thread-legged Bug
Killdeer on its Nest
A close-up of a Killdeer sitting on its nest.
American Robin
Sifton Bog
Tamracks reflecting in Redmonds Pond
Red-headed Woodpeckers
American Mink
Male American Widgeon
Great Blue Heron
White-tailed Doe in Motion
A slow shutter panning shot of a White-tailed Deer running
Eastern Coyote
Pileated Woodpecker
Female Juvenile looking out of the nest
American Avocet
Dimorphic Jumping Spider
Female Northern Cardinal
Great Kiskadee
Mourning Dove Fledgling Stretching
Great Blue Heron
Male Polyphemus and Luna Moths
Red-tailed Hawk
Eastern Foxsnake
Marbled Godwit
Pine Marten
Pipevine Swallowtail
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Calligrapher
Funny Buck
10 point white-tailed deer stag surrounded in the seasons colours, taken in London Ontario
Black Squirrel
Male Cape May Warbler
Female Hooded Merganser
Black Saddlebags - Tandem Flight
Green Heron
Odd Ball - 12 Point Buck
12 Point While-tailed Deer with deformed antlers
Smooth Green Snake
American Mink
Male American Kestrel
Jones Falls
Owen Sound, Ontario
10 Point Buck
White-tailed Deer - 10 Point Buck
American White Pelican
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Great Horned Owlets
Common Snapping Turtle
Male Eastern Towhee
Sage Thrasher
Tulip Tree Blossom
Common Loon
Tennessee Warbler
In Pink Blossoms
Cattle Egret
Wood Frog
Red-throated Loon
Short-eared Owls
Hybrid Duck
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Learning to walk
Great Horned Owl Nest
Owlet in the nest
White-breasted Nuthatch
Canada Jay
National bird of Canada. Also known as Gray Jay or Whisky Jack
Coopers Hawk
Great Horned Owlets - Nest
Red-throated Loon
Pine Warbler
Blandings Turtle
Red-necked Grebe Pair
Red Fox
Black and White Warbler
Male House Finch in Apple Blossoms
Male Spruce Grouse
Male Common Yellow-throat
Cackling Goose
Squash Vine Borer
Female Ruby-throated Huimmingbird
Midland Clubtail
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Male Baltimore Oriole
Southern Flying Squirrel
Upland Sandpiper
Red-tailed Hawk Nest
Doe Cleaning Fawn
White-tailed Deer Doe with Fawns
Snapping Turtle
Six-spotted Fishing Spider
Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk in Flight
Male Redhead
White-throated Sparrow
Hermit Thrush
Fawn with its Mother
White-tailed Deer
Male Spruce Grouse
Eastern Newt Red Eft
Eastern Foxsnake
House Wren
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Black and White Warbler
Common Nighthawk
Male Varied Thrush
White-crowned Sparrow
Northern Hawk Owl
Great Blue Heron
Male Cape May Warbler
Female Halloween Pennant
Lesser Yellowlegs
Green Cone-headed Planthopper Nymphs
Male Luna Moth
Unicorn Prominent
Great Crested Flycatcher
Virginia Rail
White-tailed Deer Fawn
Learning to walk
Eastern Garter Snake and Dandelion
Newborn Goslings in the Nest
Newborn Canada Geese Goslings. The one in front and center was born that morning, the others the day before. They hit the water for the first time and left within a few hours after this photo.
Immature Red-tailed Hawk
Black-bellied Plovers
Red-necked Grebe
Male Hooded Warbler with Food
Female Summer Tanager
Eastern Screech Owl
Coopers Hawk
Rufous Hummingbird
Male Redhead
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar
Great Egret
Bairds and Semipalmated Sandpiper
Inglis Falls
Female Cecropia Moth
Wood Ducklings
Male American Goldfinch
Male amd Female Cecropia Moths
Autumn Buck
10 point white-tailed deer stag surrounded in the seasons colours, taken in London Ontario
Great Blue Heron
Wild Turkey
Melanistic Eastern Garter Snake
Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Female Great-horned Owl
Male Cape May Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler Fledgling
Pine Marten
Osprey with Fish
Mute Swans
Prickly Pear Cactus
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Carolina Wren
Singing Carolina Wren in sumac tree
Grasshopper Sparrow
Golden Sunrise
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Male Hooded Warbler
Black-billed Magpie
Nashville Warbler
Fall Plumage
Male Indigo Bunting
Black Tern Juveniles
Immature Eastern Foxsnake
Female Belted Kingfisher in Flight
Male Prothonotary Warbler
Female Greater Scaup
Green Heron
Autumn in the Coves
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Immature Striped Skunk
Cecropia Moth Caterpillars - 5th Instar
Great-horned Owlets
In the nest
Toronto Center Island
CN Tower View
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Male Cecropia Moth Emerging from Cocoon
Hooded Warbler Fledgling
Male Luna Moth
Pickerel Frog
Bonapartes Gull
Red-necked Phalarope
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
River Otter
Northern Watersnake
Cecropia Moths Mating
Small-eyed Sphinx Moth
Male Northern Cardinal
Eastern Screech Owl - Juvenile
Male Redhead
Male Golden-winged Warbler
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 2nd Instar
Yellow Warbler Nest
Male feeding young in the nest
Red Admiral Chrysalis
Red-tailed Hawk
Male Indigo Bunting
Male Cerulean Warbler
White Squirrel
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - 3rd Instar Fresh Molt
Red Fox Kit
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Immature Bald Eagle
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Fraternal Potter Wasp
Catching food for its nest
Black-bellied Plover
Massasauga Rattlesnake Close-up
Male Polyphemus Moths
Red-tailed Hawk Being Mobbed
Immature Male Blue Grosbeak
Juvenile American Robin
Great Blue Heron
Catching a Sunfish
Mute Swan with Cygnet
Male Luna Moth
Horned Grebe
Male Yellow Warbler
Northern Ring-necked Snake
Ring-necked snake showing off its orange belly
Marsh Wren
American White Pelicans
Black-crowned Night Heron - Nest
Red Fox Kits
Horned Grebe
Blue Jay
Cecropia Caterpillar - 5th Instar
Male Wood Duck
White-throated Sparrow
Cattle Egret
Rough-legged Hawk
Cecropia Moth Caterpillar - Early 5th Instar
Female Great Horned Owl
Female Mountain Bluebird
Bull Frog
Female Chestnut-sided Warbler
Dragonfly Birth
A dragonfly just finished emerging from its nymph stage
Chipping Sparrow
With Food
Halloween Pennant
The male Halloween Pennant Dragonfly
Arrow-shaped Micrathena
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Male Hooded Warbler
Rufous Hummingbird
Canada Warbler
Male Spotted Towhee
Autumn Pond
Male Red-breasted Nuthatch
Great Egret Catching Fish
Male Great Horned Owl
Male Pipevine Swallowtail
Immature Striped Skunks
Male Redhead
Great Blue Heron
Juggling its catch
Male Prairie Warbler
Coopers Hawk