Female Greater Scaup
Immature Redhead
Canada Goose Gosling
Canada Goose Gosling
Female Hooded Merganser
Cayuga Duck
Immature Male King Eider
Cackling Goose
Male Northern Pintail
Female Hooded Merganser
Wood Duckling
A Wood Duckling resting in the woods.
Male Harlequin Duck
Trumpeter Swan
Female Hooded Merganser
Embden Goose - Domestic
Immature Hooded Merganser
Common Goldeneye
Male and Female
Male Wood Duck
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
American Wigeons in Flight
Male Hooded Merganser
Canada Goose Gosling
Female Hooded Merganser
Male Bufflehead
Canada Goose Gosling
Canada Goose Goslings
Goslings Going Under Mothers Wing to Sleep
Male Bufflehead
Male Redhead
Nesting Canada Goose
Hybrid Canada Goose
Mute Swan with Cygnets
Mute Swan
Female Northern Pintail
Long-tailed Duck
Male Bufflehead
Male Blue-winged Teal
Male Greater Scaup
Embden Goose Portrait
A beautiful Embden Goose preening along the Thames River, London Ontario.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Mute Swan
Domestic Duck
Male American Blackduck
Male Greater Scaup
Male Redhead
Male American Widgeon
Male Blue-winged Teal
Harlequin Duck and Canada Goose
Male Mallard Duck
Canada Goose
Domestic Duck
Common Goldeneye
Male and Female
Hybrid Duck
Female Hooded Merganser
Male Gadwall
Male Hooded Merganser
Male Greater Scaup
Tending To Her Nest
A female Canada Goose tending to her nest.
Male American Widgeon
Male Redhead
Cayuga Ducks
Immature Male King Eider
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Wood Ducks
Immature Males
Cayuga Duck
Trumpeter Swan
Canada Goose Gosling
Cayuga Ducks
Mute Swan
Tundra Swans in Flight
Trumpeter Swan
Leucistic Canada Goose
Female Mallard
Canada Goose Gosling
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Female Hooded Merganser
Male American Black Duck
Mute Swan
Female Northern Pintail
Cayuga Duck
Gosling Close-up
Light Morph Canada Goose
White-bibbed Domestic Duck
Male Harlequin Duck
Canada Goose Goslings in the Nest
Newborn Canada Geese Goslings. The one in front and center was born that morning, the others the day before. They hit the water for the first time and left within a few hours after this photo.
Canada Goose Gosling
Male Wood Duck
Male Gadwall
Female Greater Scaup
Newborn Goslings in the Nest
Newborn Canada Geese Goslings. The one in front and center was born that morning, the others the day before. They hit the water for the first time and left within a few hours after this photo.
Cayuga Ducks
Male Redhead
Canada Goose X Greylag Hybrid
Cayuga Duck
Female American Black Duck
Female Hooded Merganser
Cayuga Ducks
Male American Black Duck
Chinese Goose
Mute Swan
Cackling Goose
Female Bufflehead
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Female Gadwall
Male Harlequin Duck
Immature Male Wood Duck
Canada Goose Nest with Eggs
Female Mallard Duck
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Male Hooded Mergansers
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Male Harlequin Duck
Wood Duck
Canada Goose Family
Mute Swan Family
Two Cygnets preening with thier parents
Mother Goose
Canada Goose with Goslings
Common Goldeneyes
Canada Goose Gosling
Mute Swan
Long-tailed Duck
Female Bufflehead
Female American Widgeon
Male Redhead
Male Redhead
White-winged Scoter
Male Redhead
Emden Goose
Long-tailed Duck
Female American Black Duck
Trumpeter Swan
Male Harlequin Duck
Punk Wood Duckling
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
White Domestic Hybrid Mallard
Leucistic Canada Goose
White Domestic Hybrid Mallard
Canada Goose Gosling
Canada Goose Goslings
Mute Swan
Wood Ducklings
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Female Northern Pintail
Cayuga Duck
Trumpeter Swan
Female Greater Scaup
Light Morph Canada Goose
Canada Goose Gosling
Wood Ducks
Male and Female
Male Red-breasted Merganser
Harlequin Duck Flapping
Immature Male Wood Duck
Male Domestic Mallard Hybrid
Preening Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan Close-up
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Ross's Goose
Female Wood Duck
Gosling Wants Out
This cute little gosling was feeling adventurous and wanted out to check its surroundings and play.
Leucistic Canada Goose
Momma with Ducklings
Mallard Duck
Male Wood Duck
Mute Swan
Male Wood Duck
Canada Geese
Ring-necked Duck
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Surf Scoter
Male Greater Scaup
Female American Black Duck
Canada Goose X Greylag Hybrid
Greater White-fronted Geese
Male Redhead
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Common Merganser
Male Bufflehead
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Common Goldeneye
Wood Duck
Male Wood Duck in Flight
Male Mallard Duck
Male Green-winged Teal
Cackling Goose with Canada Goose
Male Hooded Mergansers
Whooper Swan
Male Bufflehead
Surf Scoter - Male Non-breeding
Female Blue-winged Teal
Male and Female Northern Pintail
American Black Ducklings
Female Gadwall
Canada Goose - Gosling in Flowers
Trumpeter Swan
Female Hooded Merganser
Canada Goose Gosling
Mute Swan Pair
Green-winged Teal and Ring-necked Duck
Male Redhead
Male Redhead
Mallard Ducks
Mute Swan with Cygnet
Male Gadwall
Male Bufflehead
Male American Widgeon
Female Northern Shoveler
Male Mallard Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Canada Goose Gosling
Male Wood Duck
Redheaded Duck
Wood Ducklings
Male and Female Blue-winged Teal
Male Redhead
Male & Female Gadwall
Goslings in the Nest
Ruddy Duck
Male Ruddy Duck on Komoka Pond
Female Greater Scaup
Female Muscovey Duck
Male and Female Northern Shoveler
Ring-necked Duck
Male and Female
Wood Ducks
Male and Female
Male Mallard Duck
Male Redhead
Cackling Geese
Leucistic Female Mallard
Tundra Swan in Flight
Hybrid Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Male Mallard
Muscovey Duck Portrait
Male Redhead
Male Wood Duck
Male Redhead
Wood Duckling Portrait
A day old baby Wood Duckling
Male Northern Pintail
Male and Female Long-tailed Duck
Male Common Goldeneye
Mute Swan
A Mute Swan chasing a Canada Goose away from its nest
Mute Swan
A Mute Swan chasing a Canada Goose away from its nest
Domestic Duck
Canada Goose Gosling
Male Green-winged Teal
Immature Hooded Merganser
Male Gadwall
Female Black Scoter
Domestic Duck
Immature Redhead
Female Northern Pintail
Male & Female Gadwall
Male Hooded Merganser
Autumn Geese
Canada Geese swimming in autumn reflections
Mallard Duck
Embden Goose
Wooper Swan
Male Wood Duck
Ross's Goose
Swimming on the Thames
Male Harlequin Duck
Male American Widgeon
Male American Wigeon
Canada Goose Gosling
Sleeping Mute Swan
Male Redhead
Wood Ducklings
Mute Swan
Male Common Goldeneye
Canada Geese Sunset
Looking up to Mom
Malard Duckling looking up to momma Duck
Immature Hooded Merganser
Canada Goose
Mute Swans
Long-tailed Duck - Female Take-off
Immature Male Greater Scaup
Male Green-winged Teal
Mute Swan
Female Greater Scaup
Male Gadwall
Male Hooded Merganser
Male Northern Pintail
Embden Goose
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Bufflehead
Trumpeter Swan
Blue-winged Teal
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Greater White-fronted Geese
Female Northern Pintail
Male Long-tailed Duck
Male Hooded Merganser
Male Common Goldeneye
Male and Female
Female Hooded Merganser
Canada Goose Gosling
Northern Shoveler
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Wood Duck
Female Long-tailed Duck
Gosling Hatching
Baby Canada Goose hatching from its egg
Male Blue-winged Teal
Male American Black Duck
Canada Goose Gosling
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Immature Hooded Merganser
Catching Pollywogs
Male Harlequin Duck
Male Gadwall
Leucistic Female Mallard
Trumpeter Swans
Male and Female Greater Scaup
Greater White-fronted Goose
Female Common Merganser
Male Common Goldeneye
Cackling Goose
Male Common Merganser
Male American Black Duck
Male Northern Shoveler
Female Common Merganser
Long-tailed Duck
Embden Goose
Male Ring-necked Duck
Ruddy Duck
Female Ruddy Duck on Komoka Pond
Male Redhead
Female Red-breasted Merganser
Wood Duckling
Canada Goose Gosling
Long-tailed Ducks
Male Common Goildeneye
Long-tailed Duck
Cackling Goose
Immature Trumpeter Swan
Female Green-winged Teal
Embden Goose
Male Redhead
Male Ring-necked Duck